I've tried the Wye for Salmon but it's too close to what I know to astound me. When you see a clear river with the force of a thousand juggernauts sliding towards the sea at walking pace and then think of the power the fish must have heading upstream you can't help but grin.
In my (limited) opinion you just can't beat a Scottish Salmon river. Ever hauled yourself out of a car after an eight hour drive and just sat down on the bank for half an hour to marvel at the river?
Ever had a weeks fishing and learned something totally new every day?
This is what is what my mate's Dad's money buys on the Spey (one year he wasn't well and that's how this all started) -
I can stretch to the same bridge without summer finery (is it wrong to take photos of your car?)-
The same bridge but with the pull of a horse tugging on your legs-
That aint no Bream! No. But seriously. How the hell do I stop it!?-

Your first 'fish' is always something special -
Ahh, the first but not the last to fall to the 'Leaded Lady'. My own invention consisting of a floating silver Rapala lure off a Bouncing Betty lead -
Only Salmon and Sea Trout make it into the Book and this was my second Salmon -
Apres fish. Almost as memorable as the fishing -
A sun sets on a week on the Spey. I have not returned since. -

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